Tag Archives: New Year 2014

The Bucket List

I used to be a fan of the New Year’s resolutions. Sometime between 5 and 11pm on the last day of every year, I would find a way to quickly jot down some the things I wanted to achieve the upcoming year. These lists were usually long and covered successes related to academics, social and personal life and finances. Over the first few days of the year, I would diligently study the list and by the end of the first month I would tuck it away somewhere safe: a small box in the drawer of my night stand, a file saved on a USB cord or an email sent to myself. Unforeseen events through the year caused dreams to shift and goals to be rewritten. So in a desperate act of psychological freedom, I ignored the list for the remainder of the year.

This year I am free from the resolutions. Not because I don’t expect anything for the year, but because I expect much more for my life. So this year and those left are about The Bucket List. Never written before, the Bucket List are the moments and milestones I hope to accomplish in my lifetime. While there are several things I want to do before I get called home, these are the top 45 that come to mind right now.

It is my only hope that the list continues to grow and the adventures remain endless.

 The Bucket List

  1. Serve in the Peace Corps
  2. Teach someone how to speak English
  3. Master the French language
  4. Learn the choreography from Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’
  5. Read Moby Dick
  6. Learn how to swim
  7. Run a 10K
  8. Run a half marathon
  9. Visit all the continents- South America, Australia and Antarctica left
  10. Visit Times Square on New Years Eve
  11. Attend a World Cup Soccer game
  12. Make meaningful change in the world
  13. Write a novel
  14. Buy a coupe
  15. Complete the Tough Mudder
  16. Do a color run
  17. Get a tattoo
  18. Ride a camel in Egypt
  19. Pray in Israel
  20. Take a picture for everyday of that year
  21. Get employed by an organization that does meaningful work
  22. Employ someone to do meaningful work
  23. Give blood
  24. Hike the Half Dome at Yosemite
  25. See Mount Kilimanjaro
  26. Eat Thai food in Thailand
  27. Get published
  28. Present a couple more times at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting
  29. Learn to crotchet
  30. Learn to braid hair
  31. Learn to drive a stick shift
  32. Adopt a child
  33. Teach a Sunday School class
  34. Read the Bible in a year
  35. Take a hip hop dance class
  36. Be an extra in a movie
  37. See a show in Las Vegas
  38. Crash a wedding
  39. Join a book club
  40. Go on a cruise
  41. Attend a 49ers game
  42. Pay a kid’s tuition for college
  43. Drive across the country
  44. Learn how to rollerblade
  45. Marry my best friend

2013-07-03 21.38.41

“For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plan to give you hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11
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